January 11, 2012

Stopping Waste Pollution by Profitable Bottle Recycling

With the urban development across the major cities of British Columbia, there is a fear of over-dumping of landfills and increased waste pollution. Especially, glass and plastic waste has been increasing in the recent times. We find a lot of waste comprising of plastic bottles, glass bottles, beverage cans and tins, alcohol containers etc.

This has led to a massive dumping of the landfills across different centers of British Columbia. The Vancouver city is no longer untouched of the menace of over-crowding landfills and waste dumps. In order to fight this present situation, recycling has become a sort after method. It can be used to curb the waste deposition and increase the reuse of various reusable waste material such as plastic and glass. More often than not, we tend to overlook the potential of waste as a potential commodity that can be reused after quality and professional recycling processes.

The latest to hit the recycling horizon is the concept of profitable recycling. There are many recycling centers and bottle depots across the BC region that offer the consumers to come and deposit their plastic and glass bottles, cans, beverage containers, alcohol bottles etc and earn some extra money. The initiative has been taken up by some BC bottle depots that are targeting the end users to become aware of the rising issue of waste pollution in their area and help in the environment cleaning procedures. And if you can earn some extra money in the process then nothing betters that.

Some of the important reasons identified for the need of recycling include the following:

Removal of wastes

An important aspect of recycling is removal of waste; harmful and otherwise. With the recycling of bottles and glass, we can clean the environment and keep it free from the effects of land and water pollution.

Conservation of Resources

The reuse of waste material for the benefit of the environment results in the conservation of resources that can be used for other vital processes.

Protection of landfills

The protection of landfills is also a crucial aspect for the promotion of recycling all around the globe. The landfills are getting over-dumped with the chances of harmful toxins being spread in your own neighborhood. Hence, it becomes our prime duty to protect them for better use.

Earn and don’t spend

The process of recycling is cost-effective and with the introduction of profitable recycling, one can also earn by deposition of wastes at the bottle depots and recycling centers in BC and earn some extra money for their efforts in conserving and protecting their Mother Nature.

About The Author:
At BC Bottle Depot, one can deposit their plastic and glass bottle waste and earn by helping in the initiative of Recycling Bottle and protecting the environment from the hazards of waste. One can find various bottle depot and recycling centers across BC in East Vancouver, South Vancouver, Maple Ridge, Guilford, Walnut Grove and Scott Road.

The author invites you to visit:

March 04, 2010

3 Easy Ways To Live A Sustainable Life

Sustainable Life Footprint

If you have ever wondered how you can live a sustainable life and reduce your energy bills but never quite knew how, then read on.

There are many ways of living sustainably and reducing your costs yet still live a comfortable life. Some examples are solar power, wind power, plain old recycling and other various renewable energy ideas.

Solar Power
Solar power is becoming a major player in offsetting your energy costs, but it is also one of those things that people often think about using yet just don't know where to begin. It's all very well researching online, but until you actually get to see one in action, it's all theory.

Building your own solar panels is not as daunting as it first seems and it is also not as expensive either. Many times folks think that the cost of building their own in prohibitive, but it just is not. The power companies would like you to think this because if everyone built their own, they would be down in their profits.

Wind Power
Just as with solar power, wind power can easily reduce energy costs. Some schools are now harnessing the power of wind to such an effect that they are actually selling some of the power produced, back to the power company!

Now, no-one says that building your own wind turbine will be easy as there are planning restrictions in place to prevent large structures from invading other people's privacy, but there are ways around it, all you have to do is check with your local planning commitee and perhaps become a little 'creative'.

Plain old recycling
If the first two are a little beyond you at the moment, then you can just recycle! It is easy to do and at no cost to you either. If you can shop at local markets, or stores which do not have products which are massively overpackaged then that is a great start (and often more inexpensive than the major stores), but if you do find you have to shop at the local big store, then any recycling you do will help to combat this. Any food you buy and do not eat can usually be recycled too, either in a compost or leave out to attract wildlife into your yard.

About the Author
Evie Cassidy has been 'going green' for a few years and has decided to start writing about it in the hope it will encourage other people to think about aspects of saving money while also helping to reduce the overall effect of global warming.She invites you to take a look at www.reduce-reuse-recycle.org to see what else you can do to live a more sustainable life. It is not hard, promise!

December 13, 2009

Eco Friendly Living - Tips For A Family On Living An Eco Friendly Lifestyle

Eco Friendly Living

Climate change is something that affects us all. As a simple example, homes and transport are responsible for about 40% of carbon emissions in the United Kingdom and this is even higher in the USA. Taking the steps towards an eco-friendly lifestyle that reduces your "footprint" on the earth can be a difficult thing to understand in our highly interconnected world. What may at first appear to be energy efficient may have an ecological cost somewhere else. However, there are simple things that with a little awareness of our daily activities where we can make a difference. If you throw in some DIY Eco Projects and Recycling, you can be well on the way to making a positive impact. If you are interested in a more eco-friendly way of living, here are some tips to get you started.
  • Fit energy-efficient light bulbs and save $US15 a year per bulb
  • When buying new appliances choose the most energy efficient
  • Switch to an electricity provider that produces all or some power from renewable sources
  • Remember to turn off your appliances when not in use, average savings $US60 a year
  • Insulate your home for a warmer, cheaper winter. Double glaze windows, and consider cavity-wall insulation. Use draft excluders, put silver foil behind radiators, cover up keyholes and close doors
  • Turn your heating down (one degree saves ten per cent on your bill) and use the timer
  • Save money and provide up to half your total water consumption by installing a simple rainwater tank. It not only saves water but also the energy to store & pump it to your home
  • Remember to turn the tap off when brushing your teeth and have a shower instead of a bath (showering uses less heating energy)
  • Save food miles and aeroplane emissions by buying locally produced food when available
  • Plant your own fruit and veg, even if you have a balcony, cherry tomatoes are perfect
  • Make the most of your kitchen waste by turning it into compost
  • Try to by unpackaged and unprocessed foodstuffs, this cuts out the packaging you have find a way to recycle
  • Where possible, use public transport, bike or walk
  • Check out "eco-friendly" cars, you may be exempt from road tax, some congestion charges and parking fees
  • If using your car, keep it properly tuned, correctly inflate tires and drive slower
  • Combine car trips for multiple chores
  • Recycle, recycle, recycle! Landfill sites are a big producer of methane – a greenhouse gas.
  • Rediscover the pleasures of local holidays or look into responsible tourism
  • Have an eco-work holiday, help with a community or eco project, plant trees, meet great people
  • Buy an eco-friendly Christmas presents
  • Buy Fair Trade gifts and in so doing help a community in the developing world to build a better, more sustainable future
  • By secondhand and recycled goods and cut out the extra manufacturing energy cost.
When you look down the list, nothing here is really that difficult. If everyone were to cut back and go green, the difference in out ecological impact would be immense, even in our western busy lifestyles.

About the Author:
Providing information to online users interested in living, lifestyle and marketing. Helping people find DIY and Eco-Friendly solutions to everyday living. Visit SolarDIYTips for information solar DIY solutions.