Going green isn't always cheap - at least in the short run. Whether you're shopping for organic beef, an energy efficient washing machine, or a bamboo sweater, the price of green living can be a little higher. Here are some ideas that will make going green a little easier on your pocketbook.
What's the difference between "organic meat" and "natural meat"? What's a carbon footprint? Why is everyone suddenly using the word "sustainable" to describe everything from food to furniture? There are lots of great resources out there that explain the labels, the terms, and the impact of various choices. You might begin with some basic books such as:
Green Living for Dummies
The Everything Green Living Book
It's Easy Being Green
These books not only explain important concepts, but also provide tips on making small changes and investments that can actually save you money in the long run.
Do your homework
Green is more mainstream now than ever before. There are more and more recycled products, organic food, energy-saving appliances and other green choices on the market. You can search on the Internet and compare prices. You can find wholesale or bulk options that reduce cost over time. You can learn more about exactly what you're paying for, so that you know, for example, whether the price of your organic steak reflects a commitment to quality and taste as well as organic certification.
Prioritize your values
Price is important, especially in these lean times. But remember to consider different aspects of your choices: lifestyle, taste and aesthetics, convenience, sourcing (where does it come from?) and philosophy (what kind of producer or company do you want to support?) Also decide what parts of your life you feel most passionate about "greening up." For some people, choosing organic food is essential, since it impacts individual health as well as the environment. If you commute long distances for work, you may want to spend more on a hybrid or fuel-efficient vehicle. If you're energy bills are sky high, you may want to focus on lowering them through savvy investments.
Vote with your wallet
If you haven't seen the movie Food Inc. yet, you can now watch it on DVD. The film makes many compelling arguments about the problems with our current food industry. One thing that stands out: every time you make a food purchase, you're telling producers what you want to eat. So if you really prefer organic beef, make a vote with your wallet! When enough people demand organic food and other green products, they will be more available and affordable.
Invest in a green lifestyle
Spend money to save it. Consider buying an extra freezer to stock up on bulk or wholesale quantities of organic beef and other organic foods. Calculate how much you'll save over time if you buy that energy efficient washing machine, or a programmable thermostat, or new windows for your older home. Eat out at restaurants less, cook meals at home more, take public transportation, get an energy audit, calculate your carbon footprint... If you're willing to take the time and spend the money to make changes now, you may find that green living is much less expensive than you thought.
About the Author:
Donna Jefferson has been an advocate living healthy. Organic Beef is her specialty and would like to share facts with the public.
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